I undertake various voluntary and pro bono projects in and around Tampere city. I also support a few select charities.

Tampere All-Bright Ambassador

I am an All-Bright Ambassador for Talent Tampere. In this role I actively promote Tampere city as a place to live and work. I also promote landscape architecture within the city and wider region. Together with AFAES, I am currently planning a new landscape installation to celebrate Suomi 100 (the one hundred years of Finnish independence in 2017).

AFAES (Africans And African-Europeans Association/Afrikkalaiset Ja Afrikkalais-EurooppalaiaetAFEAS Finland

I assist AFAES in a few projects including Hope Fest. I also take part in English language cafe’s at local schools. This involves leading discussion groups with young people on topics such as the environment, renewable energy, green infrastructure, and technology. we also have an environmental art workshop planned for autumn 2017.

Hope Fest and Tampere on Stage

I host (and sometimes perform in) the biannual talent show Hope Fest and Tampere on Stage. During the summer we have an all day long show (Tampere on Stage) on the Laikunlava stage in the Kirjastotalon Puisto. At Christmas we put on a show, Hope Fest, at Monitoimitalo, Tampere. The event is organised by AFAES. Both shows focus on local acts by immigrants, including dance, music, and visual arts. All profits raised go to charities helping refugees in Finland.

SILASILA - The Sarcoidosis Charity

I actively support SILA, the sarcoidosis charity by raising funds and awareness of this disease.

I undertake various voluntary and pro bono projects in and around Tampere city. I also support a few select charities.

Tampere All-Bright Ambassador

I a Tampere Ambassador for Business Tampere. In this role, I actively promote Tampere city as a place to live and work.  I write articles and promote Tampere on my social media channels.

AFAES (Africans And African-Europeans Association/Afrikkalaiset Ja Afrikkalais-EurooppalaAFEAS Finland

I assist AFAES in a few projects including Hope Fest and Tampere on Stage. I also take part in English language cafe’s at local schools. This involves leading discussion groups with young people on topics such as the environment, renewable energy, green infrastructure, and technology. I am currently managing the social media channels for Tampere 100 Healthy Happy Days Challenge. You can find us on Twitter and Facebook. we also have an environmental art workshop planned for autumn 2017.

Hope Fest and Tampere on Stage

I host (and sometimes perform in) the biannual talent show Hope Fest/Tampere on Stage. During the summer we have an all day long show (Tampere on Stage) on the Laikunlava stage in the Kirjastotalon Puisto. At Christmas we put on a show, Hope Fest, at Monitoimitalo, Tampere. The event is organised by AFAES. Both shows focus on local acts by immigrants, including dance, music, and visual arts. All profits raised go to charities helping refugees in Finland.

SILASILA - The Sarcoidosis Charity

I actively support SILA, the sarcoidosis charity by raising funds and awareness of this disease.


Email: info@ashleydpenn.com

Puhelin: +358 402184204

Osoite: Kuusistonkuja 4 A2 37120 Nokia

Twitter: @AshleyDPenn


LinkedIn: linkedin.com/AshleyDPenn


Email: info@ashleydpenn.com

Phone: +358 402184204

Address: Kuusistonkuja 4 A2 14 37120 Nokia

Twitter: @AshleyDPenn


LinkedIn: linkedin.com/AshleyDPenn

Ashley D Penn_Jolma Architects

Ashley D Penn_Jolma Architects

Työskentelen Jolma Arkkitehdille maisemasuunnittelijaksi. Ota yhteyttä jos sinulla on jokin arkkitehtuuri, maisema-arkkitehtuuri tai opetusvaatimukset. voit lähettää sähköpostia osoitteeseen ashley@jolma.fi


Ashley D Penn Landscape Architecture

Ashley D Penn Landscape Architecture. Copyright Jolma Architects

I work for Jolma Architects as a landscape architect. Please feel free to get in touch if you have any architecture, landscape architecture, or teaching requirements. you can email me at ashley@jolma.fi

Ashley D Penn CMLI

Ashley D Penn MARK

Kirjailija, Kommunikaattori, ja suunnittelija


Living Roofs

Living Roofs by Teneus. Tekstit Ashley D Penn

Living Roofs by Teneus. Tekstit Ashley D Penn

Olen kirjoittanut kirjan Living Roofs TeNeues kustantamon puolesta ja yli 25 artikkelia Landscape Architects Network’lle (LAN), sisältäen heidän kaikkein aikoja luetuimman artikkelinsa 8 Amazing Facts About Trees That You Didn’t Know. LAN’in Content Directorina neuvoin yli 50 hengen kirjoittajatiimiä siinä miten parantaa heidän kirjoitustyyliään, sekä tutkin maisema-arkkitehtuurin uusimpia trendejä ja käytin ‘viral marketing’.

Pystyn kirjoittamaan valikoimasta aiheita, kuten maisema-arkkitehtuuri, puutarhasuunnittelu, puutarhanhoito ja puutarhatalous. Tarjoan kilpailukykkyisen hinnan lyhyille artikkeleille lehdissä ja netissä julkaistavaksi, kuin myös laajempiin kirjoituksiin ja kirjoihin jne.


Living Roofs

This multi-faceted photo book shows selected penthouses, rooftop terraces, and rooftop gardens from around the world. Experience many different styles of these exclusive refuges from sumptuous cascades of flowers to minimalist design. Also a source of inspiration for anyone with a balcony or garden.

Buy the Living Roofs book here at a special price.

Living Roofs


Ashley D Penn CMLI Press and Reviews

Living Roofs” is a fantastic reference book aimed to inspire roof owners and project developers to do the same… “Living Roofs” should be on the desk of urban-minded landscape architects, any ambitious project developer, and off course on the table of your own roof garden!” – SkyHighCity

Living Roofs” by Ashley Penn is a beautiful coffee table book which has recognized the growing trend for roof top gardens and has showcased various examples through strong visuals and informative text. …Ashley’s narrative of the projects provides just the right amount of technical and aesthetic information while critically engaging with the specific design intentions.” – Landscape Architects Network

Garden Design

“Ash is a tremendously knowledgable and creative garden designer who combines a passion for sustainable design with a commitment to exceeding his clients’ expectations.”
– Mr. S. Royal Tunbridge Wells

Ashley D Penn Maisema-arkkitehtiOlen saatavilla freelance– ja sopimustöihin maisema-arkkitehtuurin alueella. Minulla on laaja kokoemus työskentelystä monitieteellisissä työryhmissä, joiden kohteena ovat vaihdelleet sairaala-alueista, kouluihin ja puitoihin aina moottoriteihin ja lentokenttiin. Aiempi työkokemukseni maisemarakennusurakoitsijana on kehittänyt minulle tarkan silmän rakenteellisiin yksityiskohtiin ja ymmärryksen kovien maisemanrakennusmateriaalien fyysisiä ominaisuuksia.


Ashley D Penn. Writer, Communicator, and Designer. Philosophy

Ashley D Penn. Writer, Communicator, and Designer. Philosophy

Suomessa olen MARKin jäsen. Työskentelin Iso-Britanniassa maisema-arkkitehtina monen vuoden ajan. Olen kirjoittanut monta artikkelia eri julkaisuille, kuten Landscape Architcts Network, jossa työskentelin vapaaehtoisena kirjoittajana sekä heidän Content Directorina.

Olen myös kirjoittanut kirjan TeNeues kustannukselle nimeltä Living Roofs, joka käsitteleen viherkattoja sekä kattoputarhoja. Voitte läytää sen Amazonista, täällä.

Nykyään asun Nokialla, Suomessa, ja työskentelen Tampereella Jolma Arkkitehditille.

Yksityiset ja julkiset puutarhat

Ashley D Penn Puutarha sunnittelu

Suunnittelen käytännöllisiä ja kaunniita puutarhoja niin yksityisiin pihoihin kuin julkisille aueillekin. Taustani puutarhanhoidossa sekä puutarhasuullittelussa (kuin myös maisema-arkkitehtuurissa) mahdollistaa kykyni toimia eri suuruisissa tiloissa ja luoda alueita, jotka toimivat monella eri tasolla, kuten pieniä intiimejä alueita vieraiden viihdyttämiseen ja suuria avoimia alueita monikäyttöisiin tarkoituksiin. Pystyn luomaan moderneja sekä vanhanaikaisia puutarhoja käyttäen innovatiivista ja tunnelmallista valaistusta. Tykkään käyttää vettä ja kasveja luomaan liikettä ja ääntä puutarhaan.

Sijainnit ja metodologia

Ashley D Penn Puutarha sunnittelu

Ashley D Penn Puutarha sunnittelu

Pystyn ottamaan vastaan puutahasuunnitteluprojekteja Nokialta ja TAmpereelta, sekä lähiympäristöstä. Tavallisesti aloitan käymällä kohteessa ja keskustelemalla asiakkaan kanssa toiveista ja vaatimuksista, sekä saadakseni käsityksen suunnittelukohteesta. Tämän jälkeen joko teetän riippumattoman kartoituksen alueesta tai teen sen itse pienemmässä mittakaavassa (tämä riippuu kohteen koosta ja monimutkaisuudesta).

Ensimmäiset ideani esitäm käsipiirroksina. Tämän jälkeen käytän tietokoneohjelmaa suunnitelman työstämisessä. Työskentelytapani autta yhdistämään käsipiirrosten joustavuuden ja luovuuden tietokoneohjelman helppouteen ja nopeuteen.

Ashley D Penn CMLI Puutarha Suunnittelu

Ashley D Penn CMLI Puutarha Suunnittelu


Yksilöllisesti räätälöity tarjous toimii parhaiten kaikille projekteille, joten ota yhteyttä ilmaista tarjousta varten, tarjouspyyntö ei sido mihinkään.

Ashley D Penn CMLI

Ashley D Penn MARK

Writer, Communicator, and Landscape Architect



Ashley D Penn CMLI Landscape ArchitectureI am available for freelance and contract work in theAshley D Penn CMLI Nokia landscape architectural field. I have extensive experience working in multidisciplinary teams on projects ranging from hospital grounds, schools, and parks; to motorways, and airports. My previous experience as a landscape contractor means I have a keen eye for construction detailing, and appreciate the physical properties of hard landscape materials.

Living Roofs

This multi-faceted photo book shows selected penthouses, rooftop terraces, and rooftop gardens from around the world. Experience many different styles of these exclusive refuges from sumptuous cascades of flowers to minimalist design. Also a source of inspiration for anyone with a balcony or garden.

Buy the Living Roofs book here at a special price.

Living Roofs


Ashley D Penn CMLI lehdistö ja arvostelut

Living Roofs” is a fantastic reference book aimed to inspire roof owners and project developers to do the same… “Living Roofs” should be on the desk of urban-minded landscape architects, any ambitious project developer, and off course on the table of your own roof garden!” – SkyHighCity

Living Roofs” by Ashley Penn is a beautiful coffee table book which has recognized the growing trend for roof top gardens and has showcased various examples through strong visuals and informative text. …Ashley’s narrative of the projects provides just the right amount of technical and aesthetic information while critically engaging with the specific design intentions.” – Landscape Architects Network

Garden Design

“Ash is a tremendously knowledgable and creative garden designer who combines a passion for sustainable design with a commitment to exceeding his clients’ expectations.”
– Mr. S. Royal Tunbridge Wells

I write books and articles on a range of interesting subjects from business ecosystems and ethics to landscape and horticulture. I also translate and copyedit websites, contracts, and technical instructions etc from Finnish to plain English.


Living Roofs by TeNeus, texts by Ashley D Penn CMLII have written a book, Living Roofs, on behalf of TenNeues publishing, available on Amazon.

I can write copy for a range of subjects. I offer competitive rates for short articles for magazines and websites, as well as larger extended texts for books etc.

I have written over 25 articles for Landscape Architects Network (now Land8), including their most read article ever, 8 Amazing Facts About Trees That You Didn’t Know. In my role as Content Director for LAN I advised the team of over 50 writers on how to improve their writing, as well as researched the latest trends in landscape architecture and viral marketing.



(published by the New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects).

Talent Tampere

Chediston Partners LLP

I write for Chediston Partners on the subject of fairness business. We believe that markets become more sustainable when all parties act fairly. This involves offering fair terms of business, and financial redress, as well as not pressing that immediate momentary advantage in favour of helping the smaller party for longer term gains.

Landscape Architects Network

I joined Landscape Architects Network in 2012 as a volunteer writer, before working my way up to Co-Editor and eventually Content Director in 2015. During my time I wrote many articles, some of which are no longer published on their website. The links below lead to those articles which are still live on their website.


I originally trained as a landscape architect in the UK, and now live in Nokia, Finland. I am a member of MARK (Suomen maisema-arkkitehdit), the Finnish organisation for landscape architects.

During my post-graduate studies in Landscape Architecture, I developed an interest in writing. I have written many articles for Landscape Architects Network, and both as a volunteer writer, and later, as their Content Director. I now write for Land8 as part of my work for Jolma Architects.

I have also written a book, Living Roofs for TeNeues publishing all about green roofs and roof gardens.